A solution for small houses or multi-family buildings with 1200-1500 sq. feet terrace area. You can connect your rooftop terrace water to recharge your bore, collecting water in your sump, during rains in this process. Next summer there will be better water in your borewell. The preference is to recharge a defunct bore
One Plumber
4 Hours
Rs 15,000/-
Restore Water
Benefits – You will save Precious power bill , Money on water tankers

- Locate:
- Rooftop rainwater drain, and where it comes down to ground level
- Where is the sump and where is the borewell (in most of the small homes all 3 may be close by, given common Vaastu considerations)
- Assess:
- Live or defunct borewell? If defunct, can use with no hesitation. If LIVE, then some caution advised. If under three years old, seek expert advise. If over 3 years old, then bore structure is good for harvesting!
- Pipe lengths needed to connect RAINY/equivalent filter to sump (90mm pipes), and sump-overflow to the borewell (1.5” pipe)
- Procure pipes and order rainwater filter (RAINY/other brand filters)
- Engage your plumber
- Prepare Rooftop:
- Put a steel jali/grill at rain water drain entry on terrace to ensure large objects/leaves don’t come into the rainwater drain
- Install Rainwater (in-pipe) filter:
- Will be installed 5 feet above ground on the rainwater drain pipe.
- The pipe must be cut and the filter installed
- Use 90mm pipes (or size as per the filter inlet and outlet).
- If fine silt (cemebt) on roof, then Connect Sand-Filter:
- Can make filter yourself. 2 feet drum, fill with sand. inlet pipe at top. Outlet top right side. sand filled to half.
- Outlet of filter to be connected to the sand-filter drum’s inletat top
- Outlet of sand filter to be connected to sump; as inlet
- Overflow From Sump To Borewell:
- At the top of sump, drill a hole for 1.5” pipe
- Connect a 1.5” pipe to the borewell area
- Connect Into Borewell Casing:
- Expose top of the borewell casing (dig for 1 foot, if casing below ground)
- Drill a 1.5” hole in the side of the casing at least 1 foot from the top
- Connect the sump overflow water into this hole, with the edge of pipe half inch inside the casing
- Rainy Filter Valve:
- Should be set to flush to get first rain water coming out (to clear terrace and also chemicals that is normally present in the first rain)
- After the first rain of the season, change the valve to FILTER