Gated Communities or Colonies
Gated communities and colonies are large residential clusters with a common society management that enable shared solutions.
Solution – Such communities will have multi-pronged solutions that include a combination of:
- Individual home terrace waters taken through RAINY filter to their individual sumps
- Take sump overflow to a conventional RWH pit or leave it on road towards colony’s common RWH solution
- At colony borewells, build recharge structures within 10-15 feet from the bore to capture rainwater on the colony roads
- These should be recharge pits that includes a 100-300 feet deep injection bores (borewells drilled just to take the rainwater deeper beyond the sheet rocks are common in Hyderabad terrain)
- Away from borewells, where rainwater flow or collection is high on roads, build RWH with 30 feet injection bore. This will help better absorb the rainwater (and may not necessarily benefit your colony borewells, however will help increase the water levels)
- If there is are budget constraints, a few injection-bore structures can be created which are supplemented with conventional recharge pits to absorb more rainwater into the ground

Sai Prasad: 98498 45130, Bhanu Manthry: 99496 95855 (
Deepak Rao Venepally: 98484 44950 (
Y Subhash Reddy: 94400 55253 ([/ultimate_heading]